How Queensland’s FIFO ban can work for you, your career, and regional communities.
The background
The Queensland State Government is continuing to ban Fly-In-Fly-Out (FIFO) recruitment to keep jobs in the regional parts of the State like Mackay, Rockhampton and Mount Isa.
Grasstree and Moranbah North mines (Anglo American), Peak Downs and Saraji (BHP), Ernest Henry (Glencore), Dugald River (MMG Dugald River), New Acland (New Hope) and North Goonyella (Peabody Energy) were among the first to receive the ban.
An additional eight projects including: Baralaba North (Baralaba Coal Company), Barbara (Round Oak Minerals), Bauxite Hills (Metro Mining), Century zinc (New Century Resources), Cook Colliery (Bounty Mining), Mount Colin (Round Oak Minerals), Mungana (Auctus Resources) and Olive Downs (Pembroke Resources) have now joined the list.
So what does this mean for the now growing mining sector?
Current mining projects are increasing their extraction rate and new projects like QCoal Groups Byerwen coal mine, Copper Mountain Mining’s Cloncurry copper mine and Evolution mining’s, Mt Carlton Gold Mine mean employment opportunities are growing too.
Without FIFO, the mining community is left with residential options.
WATCH: pros and cons of residential work.
Benefiting your career:
Residential employment is a great way of forming stronger bonds with employees making it a more enjoyable place to work. As you are around the site more, your accessibility to promotions is a lot clearer given you are committed to the area and look more loyal.
Not sharing a role, like those in FIFO roles, also increases the responsibility and recognition of the work you do.
Benefiting your family:
Residential employment means you’re home every night to your partner, kids, dogs, cars, whatever is home to you.
The long-distance relationships that come with FIFO can cause issues and homesickness.
Benefiting the community:
As the mining workforce grows in that region, the economy will improve. There are also huge benefits to being part of a regional community. They are friendly, safe, and you get out what you put in. It allows you to get back to basics and appreciate a simpler way of life.
Residential can be a solid choice if the location works well for you and the family. If you’re not a family unit then this option could work in your favour on working your way up the ladder.