5 steps to resigning

Leaving your job can seem a bitter-sweet moment. You leave old friends and colleagues for a new, exciting opportunity.
Even if you hated your previous role or disliked management, leaving in the right way is important.
Here’s how:
Remember why you’re doing it
We change jobs for many reasons specific to our own lives. For example: salary, promotions, opportunities, work life balance, location, people etc.
Sometimes, we don’t look for these roles, they get presented to us and they’re too good to turn down.
Whatever the case, you must be sure that the pros outweigh the cons. The role must match your personal and professional ambitions over familiar routines.
Play by the book
That 40-page document you signed on your first day is key. It’s full of information like how long your notice period is, whether an exit meeting is needed, and who you need to contact.
It’s worth knowing this to keep communication with your new employer current and gives you a chance to tie up lose ends in your current role. Having this information prepared before you talk to your manager or HR will help soften the blow and prepare their next step.
This information can also determine how quickly they rehire, whether you need to be there to help train, or a handover document should be created.
Write your letter of resignation
Keep it brief – the first sentence should state that you are leaving and the date you wish to leave on according to your employment contract.
Thank them for the opportunity and request to have them as a reference in any future job application.
Keep emotions or reasons out of any written documentation. Print two copies, sign them both and arrange a meeting with the right person to give it to in person.
Face off
A face to face meeting is when you give the letter of resignation. Do not leave it on their desk, this isn’t Valentines Day.
The meeting is an opportunity for you to give reason why you’re leaving if it not too emotionally attached and to discuss your next steps.
What if they offer you more money?
It’s well within your right to take the offer. But remember why you’re leaving. There’s more to a job than salary.
Statistics show 80% of those who accept counter offers leave after 6 months.
Resigning might seem like a daunting task, but if you really believe that your next opportunity is the right one, it’s something you need to do.
Broken down into mini tasks, resigning is simpler and will help when asking for references.